Thursday, January 14, 2010

Mango Lassi

Upon my second visit to an Indian Restaurant, by recommendation of my friend Duana, I tried the mango lassi. I now like to describe it as, "a little bit of heaven on earth". I'm still perfecting my recipe as it is rather difficult to get the perfect consistency using a sporadic blender.

I put my boyfriend in charge of mixing this drink as I worked on the rest of the dinner. I related to him that this drink costs about $4.50 at any restaurant and he said for the amount of work/labor involved, it is totally worth it.

4 ripe mangoes (peeled, pitted, and chopped)
2 cups of Plain yogurt
1/4 cup of honey

Now pretty much all you have to do is put all the ingredients in your blender and combine until smooth. Serve cold. Although if you don't have an industrial strength blender, this can be pretty challenging.

1. The honey doesn't blend too well. Sometimes you have to mix the honey and the yogurt first and then add the chopped mango.

2. I noticed that even if you freeze the mango and have cold yogurt that the drink is not cold enough and it is very thick. What I do additionally is I crush about 12 ice cubes and add that to the mixture. That way it is cold and you can actually suck it through a straw if you want.

3. This recipe makes A LOT of lassi. The cup pictured above is about 12oz full. If you drink the entire thing with your meal you will not be hungry for awhile. It's probably best to serve it as a 6oz with your meal and save the rest for later.

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